Choosing a Dementia Residential Care Home

Choosing a dementia residential care home is not something a person usually does for themselves. The fact that they are often looking for a place for a loved one to live out the rest of their lives makes it even more challenging. Even when you know your loved one’s condition means they are no longer safe, making the decision to move them is often one that causes a great deal of guilt. If you struggle with the decision of when to put your loved one into a dementia residential care home, you aren’t alone. More adults find themselves facing the fact that in-home care is more demanding on them than they ever imagined. Most adults have other responsibilities that prevent them from giving the round-the-clock care that dementia patients eventually need. Instead of taking on a…

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Memory Care or Assisted Living? Making the Best Choice for Mom or Dad

Senior care facilities come in many types, such as memory care and assisted living, and choosing the best community for your mother or father can be confusing. Rule of thumb is that the right place will help keep your parent safe, while also maximizing his or her independence. To make this decision, you need to know details about your parent’s condition and needs, as well as understand the definitions of the types of care facilities available. Let’s break down these issues with a basic Q & A.  What is Assisted Living? The primary definition of assisted living is a long-term senior care option that offers supportive aid, health services, and housing. Essential services often include transportation, medical management, and 24-hour emergency care. Mom or Dad will be able to ask the staff for assistance with daily…

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Managing Your Emotions After an Assisted Living Dementia Placement

Managing your emotions after an assisted living placement is a complex process. When the choice is made to place a Dementia loved one in residential care, you’re likely to encounter an unsettling combination of feelings. It’s important to acknowledge and deal with these feelings because your adjustment to your loved one’s new lifestyle and surroundings will have a direct impact on their adjustment. We’ve all heard this cliché, or something close to it: “The first step in dealing with a problem is admitting that a problem exists.” The reason we over-hear and over-use this expression so often in problem solving is, simply, that it’s true. When you build up a wall to shut issues out, you’re also barricading yourself from seeing solutions. For your and your loved one’s benefit, a little perspective and a lot of…

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November is Native American Heritage month and in the art class we made “Amate” paintings. Amate is paper that is handmade by the Otomi Indians of Mexico out of natural tree bark. However, in lieu of the real thing, we made ours out of up-cycled brown paper bags. We then used patterns similar to those found in Mexican folk art. They came out so nice, Johanna, the manager, suggested using them as place mats so names were added. Johanna’s son, grandkids, and grandnieces joined in on the fun! For residents who needed more help, a young person paired up with them and they painted together. Others mostly just needed encouragement A sampling of their finished art on one of the tables where they have their meals. Looking good! Thanks for reading. At Lakeside Manor we are committed…


Alzheimer’s Dementia Care | 5 important Safety Precautions

Alzheimer’s is a complex disease that demands, among other things, dramatic changes in a patient’s surroundings. Alzheimer's dementia care involves important safety precautions that should be addressed right away. Before we can give attention to treatments and therapies, we initially want to be sure that our loved ones are safe. It can be difficult to create a dementia-proof living situation at home. The cost, time and knowledge required to incorporate necessary safety precautions in the face of Alzheimer’s are overwhelming. Most homes, as well as homes’ surroundings, simply have too many pitfalls. Even the biggest budgets, hired design experts and best of intentions can fall short. In many cases, dementia’s safety requirements can best be met by the attention of a dedicated, alert, full-time, around the clock staff, along with a tenet of tried and true procedures…

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Alzheimer’s Care San Diego | How Best to Speak to a Loved One

Caring for a loved one with Alzheimer's can be challenging, even on the good days. The Lakeside Manor, Alzheimer's Care San Diego program has taught us that communication issues are often at the core of family member challenges. Luckily, there are things you can do to help conversations flow more smoothly and ensure that your loved one can understand the point you are trying to convey and get their own points across as well. Alzheimer's affects each person differently so some of the tips provided here may not apply to your particular situation. Keep experimenting until you find the perfect combination to meet your loved one's needs.  Familiarize Yourself with the Condition  The more you know about Alzheimer's, the better you will be able to accommodate your loved one's needs. The next time you take your…

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Dementia Care San Diego │ Understanding Dementia Behavior

Caring for a loved one with dementia can be very challenging. While keeping them at home may seem like the right thing to do, there are many benefits to considering a professional Dementia Care San Diego facility. If caring for your loved one is your first experience in dealing with dementia, the changes they undergo may be surprising and overwhelming. Without a deep understanding of the disorder, it isn’t unusual for family members to fall short on giving their loved one the degree of care they need. What Is Dementia? Dementia refers to the decline of mental ability and memory loss that is severe enough to prevent the person from carrying out normal daily functions. There are different forms of dementia. Alzheimer’s is the most common type, accounting for 60% to 80% of all dementia cases. The majority…

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Looking for San Diego Advanced Alzheimer’s Assisted Living?

Researching San Diego advanced Alzheimer's assisted living facilities is an important step in your loved one's care. It can be time consuming, frustrating and headache-inducing, but when achieved, it can provide your loved one, and you, with some peace of mind. Over 5 million Americans have Alzheimer’s dementia, and as the baby boomer generation advances in age, it’s estimated that this number will likely triple within 30 years – to over 15 million. Assisted living facilities are becoming big business. On the upside, there are more to choose from than ever. Many are staffed by skilled professionals who are devoted to providing the best in Alzheimer’s dementia care. On the downside, while great facilities are easier to find than ever, so are ones that would best be avoided. It’s been well documented that Alzheimer’s dementia patients benefit…

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Assisted Living for Memory Care. Why is it the best option?

For many Alzheimer’s dementia patients, an Assisted Living for Memory Care facility is the best option. These facilities are specifically structured to cater to their daily needs and support them in ways that can be difficult at home. Ongoing social engagement, a range of cognitive and physical therapies and an environment designed to encourage independent movement while still being safe, are a combination of things that most of us, as much as we want to, simply can’t provide for our loved ones on our own. It can be a challenge to find the right facility, but once you do, it can result in noticeable improvements in the physical and mental wellness of a dementia patient. They are likely to thrive and keep as healthy, functional, interactive and relaxed as possible, while also easing some of the…

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