Understanding Sundowners Syndrome

Suppose you know an elderly person afflicted with Alzheimer's disease or some other type of dementia. In that case, you may have noticed that they may be increasingly confused, agitated, restless, or even angry when the sun is about to set. Add to that; there is increased memory loss at sundown, too. Unfortunately, this makes it a bit more challenging to deal with our beloved seniors during this time of day. As such, we must all strive hard to extend our patience as the day ends. Why Is This Happening? Should you be dealing with this scenario, know that you are not alone. We've noticed these odd changes in the behavior of our elderly loved ones struggling with dementia as well. What is it about sundown that makes it akin to a "witching hour" for elderly…

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How to Deal with Difficult Behavior

Aging brings about changes in people, and they go beyond an individual's appearance. If you have an older relative, you’ve probably noticed them exhibiting more examples of difficult behavior lately. We got to know them growing up as these gentle, loving, and caring people. To see them suddenly become more aggressive, unruly, and even borderline abusive can be heartbreaking. It’s a challenging transformation to deal with for sure, but there are ways to make that task more manageable. In this article, we’ll talk about the things you can do to better cope during situations where your elderly relatives are misbehaving. We’ll also discuss the different reasons why they exhibit such behavior and highlight some examples too. The Possible Causes of Bad Behavior in Elderly Individuals Before you can attempt to reach out and reconnect with your…

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